Ending the Nightmare

Ending the Nightmare

You’ve had that moment: the straw that broke the camel’s back.

You served that nightmare client that your gut told you not to take, but your brain said, “Lady, you’re broke. Take it!” 

ESPECIALLY recently.

That one client that asked you to offer that huge discount to get your foot in the door because it was going to be an amazing opportunity for you…

But it wasn’t.

You ended up working nonstop, maybe even dreading their emails, and constantly thinking about them and giving them more and more and more.

It was after this client you said: No. 🤬 Way. You decided you cannot keep doing this.

But how do you make it stop?

Here’s the thing, ladies: when you give clients deep discounts and low prices just to get them and pay the bills, it automatically takes you off the expert throne and puts you at their service in a way that you can’t properly serve, often not allowing yourself the budget you need to do an amazing job for them. 🤯 The amazing job that you so very much are beyond capable of doing IF you set yourself the right conditions. 🥰

When you attract low-budget clients who choose you because you’re pennies on the dollar, and who are giving YOU an “amazing opportunity,” you put yourself in the hands of clients who will treat you like the help.

And you deserve SO MUCH more than that. 😘

Because YOU are an amazing opportunity for THEM, friend! Do you know that?

This is exactly what I help you declutter from your own client database and schedule in my Mastering the Minimalist Mindset:

  • By guiding you through who your ideal client is, what you already do that can be irresistible to them, what your income goal is, and how you can get there exactly and realistically 
  • Helping you wean yourself off the 24/7 work week by decluttering all your time-wasters and energy suckers from your business – so that you can spend more time being present with the people you love
  • Arming you with mindset tips and tricks to fight the internal enemy that comes into your head to psych you out with fears and lies, so that you can feel more peace and positivity as you grow your business income 

Through which my clients get real results like:

  • Going from absolutely no social, email or web presence, to being the most well-known in her industry in her area
  • Doubling her social media audience organically just by showing up as herself online
  • Going from zero online inquiries, to a constant flow of emails and PMs from her ideal clients 

All while spending more designated time to be present for their families! 

I want to be real with you…I only have one more spot left for this in the next few months! 

There have already been a ton of inquiries, YES EVEN NOW – so if you want in, contact me. We’ll chat quickly and if this is truly a good fit for you, I’ll share more info about the program with you! 

And BONUS – I’ve just restructured this to be even more accessible and valuable to you – but these exclusive additions are only available for a limited time, so contact me as soon as you can.

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